Нитьянанда Trayodasi – дхаме Экачакра

Ekachakra Nityananda's Appearance

Dear Devotees of Lord Nityananda Prabhu,

Hare Krishna, We are very happy to invite you for the appearance day festival celebrations of Sri Sri Nityananda Prabhu on 12th February 2013.

On 12th of February there will be a shanti-yajna, maha-abhishek of Gaura-Nitai, and distribution of maha-prasadam. In the evening devotees can participate in sandhya arati kirtan, bhajan, Krishna-katha, along with various cultural programs.

Respected Gurus and GBC's from our ISKCON society will participate in this grand utsava, providing us a wonderful opportunity to have real sadhu sanga.

We take pleasure to invite you and your family to participate in this festival, and receive the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. We hope you will join us in serving Lord Nityananda Prabhu with your time, energy, and donations.

You’re in the service of Lord Nityananda Prabhu,

Devotees from Sridham Ekachakra

Sri Sri Nitai Gour Temple

Sridham Ekachakra (Birchandrapur)

Muyureswar, Birbhum, Pin-731245

Phone (03461) 220362 / Mobile-9564379045


Stefano Andreoli - Bramachari Prasadam

Anjali Bhalla - Raj Bhoga Offering

Nihal Sing - Raj Bhoga Offering

Annamalai Kumar - Abhishek Program


Your donation will be written into a special book and offered to Lord Nityananda. You will also receive prasadam in the mail as a token of gratitude.
Name and Address
Please put your legal name
Please put your legal name
Non-Indian residents should not put their Indian address
Enter your passport only if you are a foreign national.
Enter your PAN card # only if you are an Indian citizen.