O n the evening of Thursday 3rd May the Netron Nilinam (eye opening ceremony) and the Shayan Adhivas (welcoming/blessing of the Deity) were performed for Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Just before the Adhivas started there was a big storm that left a cooling breeze blowing throughout the whole ceremony. The Deities rested on Their beds of grains for three days until Their grand installation ceremony on Sunday 6th May.
Prana Pratishta (Installation Ceremony)
The Ceremony began early in the morning when Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu were placed on the Snana Vedi (bathing platform) and the boys from Gurukul performed a fire yajna.

Devotees began to arrive to witness, and take part in, the bathing of the Deities. There was a wonderful atmosphere as the Deities were bathed with milk, yoghurt, ghee and honey; with many devotees offering garlands of dried fruits and flowers. Looking so beautiful as the red, green and orange rivers of fruit juices streamed down Their bodies; the bathing finished with fine rains of Ganga water and a Puspa (flower) abhishek.
Many devotees took advantage of the rare opportunity to bathe while the Gurukul Youth led an ecstatic kirtan that carried on throughout the whole programme.
Pastimes of Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu were narrated by HH Bhakti Purushottam Swami and HG Jananivasa Prabhu. The artist behind These Wonderful Forms of Sri Simantini devi, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and the beautiful Temple, HG Drdha Vrata Prabhu, also said a few words in glorification of HG Jananivasa Prabhu and HG Pankajanghri Prabhu. After which the Deities were carried to Their Temple.

Young boys and girls had made nice rangoli designs with chalk and flowers on the floor outside the Temple to welcome Sri Simantini Devi and Lord Gauranga.
The first darshan of Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu was most wonderful, with His silky black hair curling around His beautiful golden face, and He was smiling a huge smile. While Devi was so peaceful and graceful, in deep meditation on Mahaprabhu.
Feast prasadam was served to everyone.
Boat Festival
In the evening there was a boat festival for small Jagannath, Baladeva and Lady Subhadra in the new pukor in front of Sri Simantini devi’s Temple. Devotees danced in ecstasy as they followed the boat around the pokur. HH Jaya Pataka Maharaj came to take darshan of Sri Simantini Devi and Lord Gauranga. The girls from the National School performed a dance about the appearance of Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu.
It was a most auspicious day.
Nitya Seva
This is a rare opportunity where you can offer eternal service to Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. This is a one-off donation where you choose a day of the year to sponsor, and the interest from your donation covers the cost of one whole day’s seva.
Devotees that are interested in offering a donation towards the Sri Simantini Temple Project should write to HG Pankajanghri Prabhu at:
Thank you. Hare Krsna!
Sri Simantini Devi and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu ki jai! Jagannath, Baladeva and Lady Subadra ki jai!
Please visit our gallery for more pictures: Simantini Devi Temple Installation

About the Murti:
Srimati Simantini Devi meditating on Lord Gauranga
The murti depicts Parvati Devi chanting and meditating on Lord Gauranga, as described in Sri Navadvipa Dham Mahatmya and under the direction of H.G. Jananivas prabhu. The murti will be carved in marble at Jaipur.
About the temple:
The temple is located between the Jagannath Mandir and the banyan tree of Lord Siva, where according to Vastu it will attract a lot of visitors and will become something of a landmark in the area. A unique feature of the temple is that it is fully clad in terra-cotta reliefs, inspired by the famous vaisnava temples of Vishnupur, after a visit there by H.G. Jananivas prabhu, H.G. Nitai Prasad prabhu, and Drdha Vrata prabhu.
The design and artistry of the Temple and the Deity are the result of the skills of the talented devotee Drdha Vrata prabhu.
About the history:
H.G. Jananivas prabhu narrated to us that, once during Navadvip Mandal Parikram, under the guidance of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami, the devotees reached Simantadvip, near to Belpukur. At that place, where it is said to be the original place of Simantini Devi, there is a small temple, which has only temporary clay deities of Parvati for festivals and Shiva Linga as the permanent deity. A devotee suggested making and donating a marble Deity of Parvati to that temple. On the spot some funds were collected but then, H.H. Jayapataka Maharaja opposed the idea as non-Vaishnavas would come to that temple and offer tamasic food, which is against our standards and we would be unable to maintain a pujari out there.
Instead he suggested that we build a temple for Simantini within the Jagannath Mandir compound at Rajapur, which is also situated in Simantadvipa. His Holiness explained that the tradition which is followed at Puri Dham is that when the Prasad is removed from the altar of Lord Jagannath it is immediately offered first to Vimala devi (Parvati devi), and only then is it offered to the devotees and pilgrims. So, he suggested that we can also offer Lord Jagannath’s mahaprasad to Simantini devi.
Simantadvipa is a very historical place and many nectarian pastimes took place there. It is the second island of Sri Navadvipa Dham and embodies the devotional mellow of Sravanam, hearing about the pastimes of the Lord. This is where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu delivered Chand Kazi, the Muslim Magistrate.
Written by Radharani dasi
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