O n 24th November, Odana Sasthi festival will be celebrated in grandeur at Rajapur Sri Jagannath Mandir. Odana Sasthi is a festival that marks the beginning of winter. During the Odana-sasthi festival the devotees dress Lord Jagannatha and Balarama with starched cloth. This ceremony indicates that from that day forward, a winter covering should be given to the Lord. From Odana Sasthi day, Sri Radha-Madhava and other deities will be offered winter outfits. Started few years before as a small festival, now Odana Sasthi has become a very popular festival with around thousand devotees taking part in the festival to have the special darshan of Lord Jagannath. Elabaorte flower decorations adorn the temple and altar. Senior devotees shall enlighten everyone on Jagannath katha. Jagannath Prasada feast will be served all the devotees.
If you wish to sponsor Prasada on this special festival day at Rajapur, you can do so using the link here:Http://www.mayapur.com/serve-mayapur/general-donation/
We are accepting per plate basis donation, so that many devotees can avail the opportunity to render service to Sri Jagannath.
250 plates : Rs.2500
500 plates: Rs.5000
1000 plates: Rs.10,000
You can also contribute for flower garlands, decoartions.
A tulasi puja shall be offered to Sri Jagannath, on behalf of your family, with prayers for spiritual welfare.
For more information or queries, please write to info@mayapur.com
Jai Jagannath!
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