Ayodhya Rama Temple Inauguration!
The Ayodhya Rama temple is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 24, and the Government of India intends for the celebration to span one month, concluding on February 24. ISKCON has received an invitation to participate and preach during this month-long celebration. The leaders of ISKCON India have decided to utilize this opportunity for prasada distribution, Harinam Sankirtana, and book distribution. The responsibility for book distribution will be shared by ISKCON Mayapur and ISKCON Delhi, with a target to distribute 800,000 books, comprising 500,000 smaller books and 300,000 Bhagavad Gitas. Bhagavad Gitas will be distributed free of charge. We request to donors to support this significant initiative.
Sincerely, Jayapataka Swami
Benefits of donating
- Can be free from all sinful activities.
- The lord is easily pleased.
- Attains the supreme abode.
- By the grace of the lord ones desire are fulfilled.
- One may achieve all success in life.
I would like to donate Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita – 11 books – ₨ 2,750.00
Bhagavad Gita – 21 books – Rs. 5,250.00
Bhagavad Gita – 51 books – ₨ 12,750.00
Bhagavad Gita – 108 books – ₨ 27,000.00
Bhagavad Gita – 251 books – ₨ 62,750.00
Bhagavad Gita – 501 books – ₨ 125,250.00
Bhagavad Gita – 1008 books – ₨ 252,000.00
Small Books
11 Small books Rs. 330
21 Small books Rs. 630
51 Small books Rs. 1,530
108 Small books Rs. 3,240
251 Small books Rs. 7,530
501 Small books Rs. 15,030
1008 Small books Rs. 30,240
Note: after payment through the QR code, kindly menttion for what purpose the amount is for (E.g 11 small books).

If the sender is a citizen of only India –
Account Name: “International Society For Krishna Consciousness”
Bank Name: Kotak Bank
Account No: 8512103714
RTGS / IFSC Code: KKBK0006570
Branch: H. B. Sarani, Kolkata.
Bank address: 21, Centre Point Building, Hemanta Basu Sarani, Kolkata: 700001
For support write to us donorservices@mayapur.com
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