Please view the following gallery: Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Abhishek A day to remember… A special day with mixed feelings and emotions of happiness and sadness but a day where all the devotees united to glorify and show their love to Srila Prabhupada. Sri Mayapur although already a very auspicious place on this earth, is most special […]
Govardhan Pooja Festival

Have a look at the full gallery: Govardhan Puja & Abhishek Again this year, Sri Dham Mayapur celebrated Govardan Puja in a very sweet way. It’s all started a week ago when every evening HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat swami gave amazing classes on Vraj Lila that brought the devotees to a perfect mood. So when […]
Radhashtami 2015

Please view the beautiful pictures: Lord’s Darshan Abhishek On 21st September was the auspicious appearance day of Srimati Radharani. Since 15th Sep, there was katha in Temple in Her glorification. To celebrate Her appearance, many devotees came to Mayapur. Radha Madhav Temple Hall was jam packed with devotees since darshan arati time in the morning. After […]
Radhastami Coming Up

Srimati Radharani is the queen of Vrindavana and dearmost devotee of Lord Sri Krishna. She is an expert in all the fine arts and Her transcendental form is like an ocean of nectar. Her splendid bodily luster is like the yellow pigment gorocana, molten gold, or stationary lightning. She wears wonderfully beautiful blue garments and […]
Thanks to Flood Relief Donors

Due to the onset of festival season with festivals like Janmashtami, Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa puja and Radhashtami, thousands of pilgrims are visiting Sri Dhama Mayapur. This is a stark contrast when we look a month back as devotees were leaving Mayapur due to the flood. Entire ISKCON Mayapur campus was flooded then which led to […]
Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja 2015

View the full gallery: Offerings and Abhishek Similar to earlier years, ISKCON Mayapur had a week filled with festivals glorifying Srila Prabhupada on occasion of His Vyasa puja. The bramacharis, other temple staff, international devotees, Bhaktivedanta National School, and Sri Mayapur International School all held their own celebrations. These festivals enabled many devotees to read […]
Sri Krishna Janmastami 2015

Please view the following galleries: • Day Darshan • Night Darshan • Abhishek • Samskaras The auspicious Janmashtami day in Mayapur was packed with spiritual events like samskaras, aratis and abhishek. Melodious kirtan ran almost the whole day. The day started with stunning mangal arati darshan. Next, there was katha on Lord Krishna’s birth by HH […]
Jhulan Yatra 2015 Celebrations

Jhulan Yatra Gallery Balaram Jayanti Abhishek Gallery Despite the heavy flood in early August, a grand Jhulan Yatra celebration took place in Mayapur from 25th-30th August. Like the past years, the spirit of taking part in Sri Sri Radha Madhav’s transcendental swing pastimes, attracted several hundreds of participants from the Mayapur community as well as […]
Lord Nityananda’s Padukas Come Home

After four months of fund raising for TOVP in America, HG Jananivasa prabhu returned home to Mayapur with the padukas of Lord Nityananda on 12th July. Hundreds of jubilant devotees flocked at Temple’s main gate for receiving them. It was truly a grand reception with multifarious items like garlands, rangolis, flowers and many ghee […]
Snana yatra celebrations

On 2nd June (Snana yatra day), devotees from all over Mayapur visited Rajapur Temple to participate in the annual abhishek of our most beloved Lordships Jagannath, Baladeva, and Subhadra. The festivities started early in the morning with a beautiful darshan of their Lordships, and a grand ceremony of bringing Them to Their snan vedi, or bathing […]
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