“namo bhaktivinodaya saccidananda-murtaye gaura-shakti-svarupaya rupanuga-varaya te” I offer my obeisances to you, O Bhaktivinoda, the form of eternity, knowledge and bliss, the incarnation of Gaura’s potency and the best of the followers of Rupa Goswami. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, formerly known as Kedarnatha Datta, was born in 1838 in Birnagar, West Bengal. Growing up, Kedarnatha Datta […]
Bhaktivinoda Thakura – The Seventh Goswami

Indulekha Devi Appearance

Today is the divine appearance day of Indulekha Gopi. Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a lemon-yellow (tan) complexion and wears garments the color of a pomegranate flower. She is three days younger than Srimati Radharani, being 14 years, 2 months and 10 1/2 days of age. Her parents are Sagara […]
Ekachakra Retreat – Dec – 2015

Please come and chant with us……. in Japa as well as in Kirtan….. From 26th to 30th December 2015 in Ekachakra Dham, India This retreat is open to one and all – men as well as ladies YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US TO: Deepen your relationship with the Holy Name. Spend these days in seclusion in the […]
Krishnanagar Jail Preaching a Huge Success!

By Ajamila dasa Sorry this is a little long but believe me it’s worth reading it all with a huge ISKCON surprise bonus at the end of the rainbow. The Krishnanagar Jail Preaching program yesterday, upon the invite of the Superintendent, went surprisingly far better than expected. The one hour program commenced with 5 male and 4 […]
Ramachandra Vijayotsav

Today is the Ramachandra Vijayotsav. It is the festival to celebrate the victory of Lord Rama over the demonic king Ravana. Lord Rama is an incarnation of Krsna who appeared on earth millions of years ago along with His consort Sita, His brother Laxman and His dear devotee Hanuman. The entire story of Lord Rama […]
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur Appearance

Appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur was celebrated in Mayapur on the 26th September. A large murti of him was placed next to the Panchatattva altar. It was beautifully decorated with many flower garlands. Around 11:30 am, hundreds of bhogas were offered to him. Next, devotees chanted the pranama mantras of Guru parampara and offered […]
Indulekha Sakhi Appearance

Today is the auspicious appearance day of Indulekha Sakhi. Posted above is Her darshan on Her appearance day in Mayapur. Let us meditate on Her service to Sri Sri Radha Krishna and qualities, as described in Sri Radha-Krsna Ganodesa. Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a tan complexion and the color of […]
Radhashtami 2015

Please view the beautiful pictures: Lord’s Darshan Abhishek On 21st September was the auspicious appearance day of Srimati Radharani. Since 15th Sep, there was katha in Temple in Her glorification. To celebrate Her appearance, many devotees came to Mayapur. Radha Madhav Temple Hall was jam packed with devotees since darshan arati time in the morning. After […]
Radhastami Coming Up

Srimati Radharani is the queen of Vrindavana and dearmost devotee of Lord Sri Krishna. She is an expert in all the fine arts and Her transcendental form is like an ocean of nectar. Her splendid bodily luster is like the yellow pigment gorocana, molten gold, or stationary lightning. She wears wonderfully beautiful blue garments and […]
Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja 2015

View the full gallery: Offerings and Abhishek Similar to earlier years, ISKCON Mayapur had a week filled with festivals glorifying Srila Prabhupada on occasion of His Vyasa puja. The bramacharis, other temple staff, international devotees, Bhaktivedanta National School, and Sri Mayapur International School all held their own celebrations. These festivals enabled many devotees to read […]
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