Picnic-2015 (Champahati)

Hare Krishna, Dear devotees, once again Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha (MBV) exploring a very enlivening news for you all that by the 20th December, 2015(Sunday) the annual picnic of MBV held with great joy at champahati (Ritudwip) ‘Gour Gadadhara’ Temple. More than 400 fortunate devotees participated in this festival, who had good fortune to see the […]
Gita Jayanti Celebrated In Mayapur

Gita Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Gita. It is believed the “Bhagavad Gita” was revealed to Arjuna by Sri Krsna Himself in the battlefield of Kurukshetra just before the start of the Kurushektra war. Gita Jayanti is celebrated worldwide by all devotees of Lord Krsna. It is generally observed by congregational recitation of all 700 verses of the Gita chanted throughout […]
Pujari Course

For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Prahlad Nrisimha Dev, Srila Prabhupada and for all the readers Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha happily informs that, for the first time there was a Training class arranged by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha on ‘Bhoga offering and Aroti performance’ for one day (2 times class) on 6th […]
ISKCON Leadership Sanga

Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The GBC is pleased to invite you to the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) 2016 in Sridham Mayapur, India, on February 24 – March 2. If you already attended a previous ILS you already know what an amazing event it was, with over five hundred […]
Govardhan Pooja Festival

Have a look at the full gallery: Govardhan Puja & Abhishek Again this year, Sri Dham Mayapur celebrated Govardan Puja in a very sweet way. It’s all started a week ago when every evening HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat swami gave amazing classes on Vraj Lila that brought the devotees to a perfect mood. So when […]
Trancendental Journey to Vrindavan Dham

For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Nrisimha Dev and Srila Prabhupada, and for all the readers, Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha (MBV) is happy to inform everyone that for the first time ever, Bhakti Vriksha group, successfully conducted a Vrindavan Tour with 50 Bhakti Vriksha devotees. The journey commenced on 17 Nov 2015, […]
Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam

“Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam” Hare Krishna, Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha happily wants to inform you that recently there was a “Harinam Sankirtan” procession within Sri Mayapur Dham ISKCON campus on 4th of October 2015, for the occasion of “Vishwa Harinam Worldwide Week’” and for the pleasure of Namacarya Srila Haridas Thakura. Along with their guests […]
Register Now for Puri Parikrama

Jaya Jagannath! Puri Parikrama organization is pleased to announce the most auspicious 2015 Sri Ksetra Puri Parikrama! A much loved annual event, this year’s Puri parikrama will be from the 27th to the 30th November. Every year our International group attends the parikrama, along with many Hindi speaking devotees. The parikrama usually consists of a majority […]
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur Appearance

Appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur was celebrated in Mayapur on the 26th September. A large murti of him was placed next to the Panchatattva altar. It was beautifully decorated with many flower garlands. Around 11:30 am, hundreds of bhogas were offered to him. Next, devotees chanted the pranama mantras of Guru parampara and offered […]
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