Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The GBC is pleased to invite you to the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) 2016 in Sridham Mayapur, India, on February 24 – March 2. If you already attended a previous ILS you already know what an amazing event it was, with over five hundred […]
Remembering HG Caitanya Simha Das

Caitanya Simha das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and friend and well-wisher to so many devotees, left his body today in the early morning hours at Sri Mayapur dhama, on the disappearance day of Srila Prabhupada,( also happened to be his birthday) to continue his journey back home to Godhead. He started so many on […]
Thanks to Flood Relief Donors

Due to the onset of festival season with festivals like Janmashtami, Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa puja and Radhashtami, thousands of pilgrims are visiting Sri Dhama Mayapur. This is a stark contrast when we look a month back as devotees were leaving Mayapur due to the flood. Entire ISKCON Mayapur campus was flooded then which led to […]
10 Million Watched Mayapur Devotees

An International party from ISKCON Mayapur went on TV two times in less than 1 month. Their presentation shacked the whole West Bengal and the other states of India as well as the outside countries. The Zee Bangla TV, is part of the Zee Entertainment Enterprises that owns 46 different channels in 169 countries. The […]
Help Support Flood Relief in Mayapur

On behalf of Mayapur Management I share the first update on the Flood situation in Mayapur. With the heavy rainfall for the past one week and the following release of water from Farakka dam, flood waters have started to enter into Mayapur and surrounding areas. Since yesterday, Ganges water has been overflowing off Bhakti Siddhanta road, […]
Sri Ksetra Puri Parikrama 2015

Sriksetra Parikrama Team invites devotees from around the world to perform the most auspicious Sri Ksetra Parikrama 2105. This year the parikrama day falls on 30th November. On this day, devotees will circumambulate the entire Sri Ksetra dhama, a distance of around 21 Km. This parikrama has been performed since the time Vidyapati visited Sri […]
ISKCON Nepal relief message by HH Jayapataka Swami

I along with other TOVP Exhibit members were in the Lotus Building attending TOVP exhibits conference on April 25th at 1.00 pm in Sridham Mayapur when the building began to shake. We quickly left our conference room and moved to Prabhupada’s park. While we were there, I was informed that a massive earth quake had […]
2nd Tribal convention held in Mayapur

26th of March 2015, saw the inauguration of ISKCON Mayapur’s second annual tribal convention called, ‘The festival of Gau, Ganga, Gita’. This three day convention hosted 600 members from 10 different tribal groups belonging to six Indian states. Some of the tribes that participated were Chakma (Tripura), Chenchus(Orissa), Khasis (Assam), Kuki (Manipur), Mikirs (Assam), […]
VIP Visits Mayapur

Mr. Cesare Bieller, Consul General of Italy at Kolkata, visited ISKCON Mayapur. Around 40 different nationals live peacefully as a community in Mayapur. We have few devotees from Italy residing at Mayapur and they came together to welcome and meet the Italian Consul General. Ganga Das (an Italian National), our Deputy Director had invited Mr. […]
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