Please view the beautiful pictures: Lord’s Darshan Abhishek On 21st September was the auspicious appearance day of Srimati Radharani. Since 15th Sep, there was katha in Temple in Her glorification. To celebrate Her appearance, many devotees came to Mayapur. Radha Madhav Temple Hall was jam packed with devotees since darshan arati time in the morning. After […]
Radhastami Coming Up

Srimati Radharani is the queen of Vrindavana and dearmost devotee of Lord Sri Krishna. She is an expert in all the fine arts and Her transcendental form is like an ocean of nectar. Her splendid bodily luster is like the yellow pigment gorocana, molten gold, or stationary lightning. She wears wonderfully beautiful blue garments and […]
Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj’s disappearance

On 9th June morning, devotees at ISKCON Mayapur celebrated disappearance day of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj. The celebration took place at Maharaj’s samadhi. The event started off with glorification of Maharaj by his disciples and other senior devotees. Around 12 noon, Maharaj was offered many varieties of bhoga such and puspanjali. Next, Maharaj was offered […]
66th Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jaypataka Swami

66th Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jaypataka Swami Maharaj took place in Sri Mayapur dham from 30th March to 1st April. Many of His disciples came to Mayapur on this occasion. An adhivas ceremony took place on 30th evening to invoke auspiciousness. As is the custom, 24 items were offered to HH Jaypataka Swami Maharaj […]
Puri Tour by Mayapur Local Preaching

Hare Krishna, For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Pancatattva, Sri Nrisimha Dev, Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Maharani and Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching (MLP) went to Sri Jagannath Puri for a six day tour from 10th to 15th March. 70 Bhakti Vriksha members went for the trip and by the mercy of […]
Disappearance day of HH Sridhar Swami

Today i.e. 14th March is the disappearance day of HH Sridhar Swami. Special programs were held in Mayapur to honor him on the occasion. A recorded video lecture was played during morning class time. Then, he was offered arati and puspanjali at his samadhi near Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi mandir. Some of the assembled devotees showed him […]
Vyasa puja celebration of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj

On 26th Feb, Vyasa Puja celebration of HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaj took place at the community hall near Prabhupada Samadhi. Firstly, there was glorification of Maharaj by senior Vaisnavas who had gathered on the occasion. Some of the salient points were: He was an intellectual as shown by his BA in psychology and African American […]
Lecture by HG Mahatma Pr on SB 6.3.32

On 6th February, morning Temple lecture was given by HG Mahatma Pr on SB 6.3.32 . Below is the transcript of the lecture. When I was reading this purport, one thing stood out in my mind. It’s the first point Prabhupada makes. Prabhupada says if one chants offensively then one should remedy that by chanting continuously. There’s […]
Nityananda Trayodasi

Please view the following galleries: Darshan Abhishek jaya jaya sri-caitanya jaya nityananda jayadvaita-candra jaya gaura-bhakta-vrnda Lord Nityananda, an incarnation of Lord Balarama is one of principal associates of Lord Caitanya. Like Lord Balarama, He is regarded as the original spiritual master whose mercy is essential to attain love of Radha and Krsna. ISKCON Mayapur […]
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