Appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur was celebrated in Mayapur on the 26th September. A large murti of him was placed next to the Panchatattva altar. It was beautifully decorated with many flower garlands. Around 11:30 am, hundreds of bhogas were offered to him. Next, devotees chanted the pranama mantras of Guru parampara and offered […]
Varnasrama Training Courses

Dear Devotees, The daiva varnasrama ministry, promoting rural development in INDIA, in association with Mayapur Institute, are conducting various courses during the next few months, the details are below, For registration you can write at or visit our website Varnasrama Training Courses 2014-15 Course 1 – Cow Care Management – By Dr. Sreekumar 13th […]
Tree Planting in Mayapur

The BSF Kalyani had organized a tree planting program in Mayapur. This was done in the banks of Ganga to protect from erosion. They had planted approximately 100 baniyan trees at Prabhupada Ghat. The IG of BSF joined with the Sri Mayapur Gurukul boys. The BSF School children, BSF force, and the ISKCON management participated in […]
July 22nd 2012 – H.G. Krishna Swarup prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Krishna Swarup prabhu was born in Nepal in 1969 and grew up in Assam, India. He studied Sanskrit from his very childhood and in year 1990 he received (Shastri), a Bachelor’s degree in Sanskrit from ‘Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan’ New Delhi. He is an initiated disciple of H.H. Hridayananda Maharaj. He joined […]
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