Over 500 years ago, in the sacred land of Navadvipa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Taking on the golden hue of Srimati Radharani, He descended to distribute the yuga-dharma of sankirtan—congregational chanting of the holy names. His life exemplified devotion, compassion, and the unifying power of kirtan, transforming […]
Sri Ksetra Puri Parikrama 2015

Sriksetra Parikrama Team invites devotees from around the world to perform the most auspicious Sri Ksetra Parikrama 2105. This year the parikrama day falls on 30th November. On this day, devotees will circumambulate the entire Sri Ksetra dhama, a distance of around 21 Km. This parikrama has been performed since the time Vidyapati visited Sri […]
2nd Tribal convention held in Mayapur

26th of March 2015, saw the inauguration of ISKCON Mayapur’s second annual tribal convention called, ‘The festival of Gau, Ganga, Gita’. This three day convention hosted 600 members from 10 different tribal groups belonging to six Indian states. Some of the tribes that participated were Chakma (Tripura), Chenchus(Orissa), Khasis (Assam), Kuki (Manipur), Mikirs (Assam), […]
Puri Tour by Mayapur Local Preaching

Hare Krishna, For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Pancatattva, Sri Nrisimha Dev, Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Maharani and Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching (MLP) went to Sri Jagannath Puri for a six day tour from 10th to 15th March. 70 Bhakti Vriksha members went for the trip and by the mercy of […]
Inauguration of Gaur Purnima festival

Inauguration pictures Today, 16th February, we had the inauguration of Gaur Purnima festival, 2015. The festival marks its 43rd anniversary this year in Mayapur. Initially, there was a kirtan before Deities of Gaur Nitai and Garudadev. Then more devotees led by sanyasis including HH Gopal Krishna Goswami, HH BhaktaGaurVani Swami and HH Prahladananda Swami […]
TOVP Seva Office Inauguration

Please view the full gallery: TOVP Seva Office Inauguration 1st February, 2015: Inauguration of Temple of Vedic Planetorium (TOVP) seva office took place in Mayapur on the auspicious Nityananda Trayodasi day. The office shall be used for managing fund raising for the TOVP project. HG Radha Jivan Prabhu mentioned that this day has been chosen […]
Gaura Purnima 2013 – Festival Schedule

We are happy to announce the festival schedule for next year’s Gaura Purnima Festival, please stay tuned for more updates, and opportunities to donate for the festival. 26 Feb (Tue) GBC meetings start 02 March (Sat) Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s Appearance 10 March (Sun) GBC Meetings conclude, Devotee’s arrival, Kirtan Mela Adivas Ceremony 11 March (Mon) Festival Inauguration […]
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