Over 500 years ago, in the sacred land of Navadvipa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Taking on the golden hue of Srimati Radharani, He descended to distribute the yuga-dharma of sankirtan—congregational chanting of the holy names. His life exemplified devotion, compassion, and the unifying power of kirtan, transforming […]
A big thanks to our Nrsimha Caturdasi sponsors

Hare Krsna devotees!! This year we had a large number of devotees who came forward and donated generously for Nrsimha Caturdasi celebrations. We thank them all on behalf of ISKCON Mayapur. May Lord Nrsimhadev keep showering His mercy on all of you. Below is the list of sponsors along with sevas sponsored. Festival […]
Nrsimhadev Caturdasi Sponsor Appeal

Lord Nrsimhadeva at Sri Mayapur is very merciful deity form of the Lord. Devotees worldwide have a special loving relation with Him. His appearance day, Sri Nrsimha Caturdasi is very dear to His devotees. So, every year devotees celebrate this festival at ISKCON Mayapur in a grand way. The highlight of the festival is […]
A big HARIBOL to our Gaur purnima 2015 sponsors

Devotees from around the world came forward to sponsor one or the other seva during Gaura Purnima 2015. Our heartfelt THANKS and HARIBOL to all these devotees. We pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Panca Tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Sri Sri Nrsimhadev to grant them pure devotional service unto Their lotus feet. […]
In serach of the perfect metal

When it is perfection that is being pursued, there is nothing that can deter your success. There isn’t a dearth of corroborative examples and the following account is surely one such. As a representative of the team, Vilasini devi dasi, the Head Architect for ToVP arrived at Shanghai on 18th September. The purpose of this […]
Gaura Purnima 2014 Sponsorships

With great pleasure, ISKCON Mayapur invites devotees worldwide to celebrate the Gaura Purnima festival 2014 at Sri Dham Mayapur. On the 27th of February Kirtan Mela will begin, followed by the festival inauguration, various festivities, Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama, and the grand celebration of Gaura Purnima on the 16th of March. Gaura Purnima 2014 Festival Schedule […]
Last chance to sponsor!

Sri Narasimha Bhagavan ki Jai! On 24th of May, we shall be celebrating the appearance day festival of Lord Narasimhaeva- Sri Narasimha Caturdasi Mahotsav. I am pleased to inform you that preparations are underway for a grand festival. Devotees from all over the world have started arriving at Sri Mayapur to be a part of […]
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