Gita Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Gita. It is believed the “Bhagavad Gita” was revealed to Arjuna by Sri Krsna Himself in the battlefield of Kurukshetra just before the start of the Kurushektra war. Gita Jayanti is celebrated worldwide by all devotees of Lord Krsna. It is generally observed by congregational recitation of all 700 verses of the Gita chanted throughout […]
Sri Radha-Madhava Elephant Procession

Saturdays around 5:00 pm in Mayapur… Magical moments of Sri Radha-Madhava Elephant Procession. Mystical sounds could be heard by every single living entity anywhere near ISKCON Mayapur campus. Very intense thundering of large drums beating to the rhythm of two elephant’s hearts, was the best way to bring back to mind some very sweet pastimes […]
Mayapur Gears Up for Marathon 2015

As 2015 is the 50th year of HDG Srila Prabhupada’s entry into western land, ISKCON Mayapur is making all the arrangements to make 2015 book distribution marathon a mega event. So, it was announced that this year marathon will be celebrated from 1st October, 2015 to 31st January, 2016 for a period of four months […]
10 Million Watched Mayapur Devotees

An International party from ISKCON Mayapur went on TV two times in less than 1 month. Their presentation shacked the whole West Bengal and the other states of India as well as the outside countries. The Zee Bangla TV, is part of the Zee Entertainment Enterprises that owns 46 different channels in 169 countries. The […] Redesigned

Mayapur Tourism, ISKCON Mayapur’s travels and tours division has announced the launch of its improved website Sri Mayapur is the birth place of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu- the most merciful form of Lord Krsna who distributed Krsna prema to even the most fallen through Harinaam sankirtan. To give this mercy to everyone […]
Chandan yatra festivities in Sri Mayapur

Chandan yatra is the festival wherein sandalwood (chandan) paste is applied to Deities to keep Them cool. It runs for three weeks. This year the festival started on 21st April. Devotees and visitors at ISKCON Mayapur have been daily making sandalwood paste on stone grinder below Radha Madha Deities. Infact, sandalwood grinding started even before the actual […]
2nd Tribal convention held in Mayapur

26th of March 2015, saw the inauguration of ISKCON Mayapur’s second annual tribal convention called, ‘The festival of Gau, Ganga, Gita’. This three day convention hosted 600 members from 10 different tribal groups belonging to six Indian states. Some of the tribes that participated were Chakma (Tripura), Chenchus(Orissa), Khasis (Assam), Kuki (Manipur), Mikirs (Assam), […]
Prabhupada katha lecture by His Excellency P.B Acharya

On 26th March, we had a Prabhupada katha lecture in Mayapur Temple by His Excellency P.B Acharya (the governor of Assam, Tripura and Nagaland). Mr. Acharya is a Vaisnava born in Udupi, Karnataka and he had the fortune of serving Srila Prabhupada at his house in Bombay for 40 days. During that time he had […]
Mothers glorified at Institute of Spiritual Culture

On 22nd February evening, there was an event ‘Celebrating the glories of our mothers‘ at Institute of Spiritual Culture, Mayapur. The event focused on importance of mothers in a Krsna conscious society. First of all, sanyasis enlivened the audience with their words of wisdom. HH Candra Mauli Maharaj emphasized that women should be honored […]
Sanyas ceremony at ISKCON Mayapur

On 21st February morning, a sanyas acceptance ceremony was held at Panca Tattva Hall. Two devotees namely HG Dhirasanta Prabhu (a disciple of Srila Prabhupada in England, and HG Ananda Caitanya Prabhu (from Lithuania) received sanyas from HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami. Many devotees including sanyasis were present on this occasion. First of all, […]
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