Please come and chant with us……. in Japa as well as in Kirtan….. From 26th to 30th December 2015 in Ekachakra Dham, India This retreat is open to one and all – men as well as ladies YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US TO: Deepen your relationship with the Holy Name. Spend these days in seclusion in the […]
Lord Nityananda’s Padukas Come Home

After four months of fund raising for TOVP in America, HG Jananivasa prabhu returned home to Mayapur with the padukas of Lord Nityananda on 12th July. Hundreds of jubilant devotees flocked at Temple’s main gate for receiving them. It was truly a grand reception with multifarious items like garlands, rangolis, flowers and many ghee […]
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2015 Retrospective

Hare Krsna! In this post, we look back at this year’s Navadvipa Mandal parikrama. Today, In ISKCON we have so many activities and engagements to choose from. But which one can give us the full results and mercy that we require? Those engagements which are directly emphasized or requested by the acharyas. Such engagements […]
Jananivasa Prabhu in America

In early morning hours on Tuesday (March 10th) in Mayapur, Jananivas prabhu and myself (Vraja Vilas), to the nectarine sound of Krishna Kirtan, departed for the U.S. in a grand procession carrying with us the divine Padukas of Lord Nityananda and Sitari of Lord Nrsinghadeva. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in […]
Lecture by HH Niranjan Swami

On 18th February, HH Niranjan Swami gave the morning Bhagwatam lecture on SB 6.17.30. Below is the transcript of the lecture. (Pranama Mantras) First I would like to thank all of the assembled vaisnavas for this opportunity to render service. I pray to all of the vaisnavas who are here today to bless me that I may […]
Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami on S.B. 6.4.12

S.B. 6.4.12: tokanam pitarau bandhu drsah paksma striyah patih patih prajanam bhiksunam grhy ajnanam budhah suhrt TRANSLATION As the father and mother are the friends and maintainers of their children, as the eyelid is the protector of the eye, as the husband is the maintainer and protector of a woman, as the householder is the […]
Gaur Purnima festivities begin in Mayapur welcomes all the devotees who have arrived here for Gaura Purnima 2015 festivities. Today saw the commencement of Sravna Utsava. This is the second time Sravna Utsava has been organized. There would be lectures from 12th to 15th February on Gaur Lila, pastimes of Lord Nityananda, Brihat Bhagwatamritam, Sat-sandharva and Sri Jagannath lila. This […]
Lecture on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Appearance day

HG Hari Vilasa Prabhu gave the lecture yesterday (9th February) on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Appearance day. Below is the transcript of the lecture. So I am very humbled to be here in front of so many exalted Vaisnavas, my Godbrothers and Godsisters, and of course Srila Prabhupada, especially today, on the appearance day of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati […]
TOVP Seva Office Inauguration

Please view the full gallery: TOVP Seva Office Inauguration 1st February, 2015: Inauguration of Temple of Vedic Planetorium (TOVP) seva office took place in Mayapur on the auspicious Nityananda Trayodasi day. The office shall be used for managing fund raising for the TOVP project. HG Radha Jivan Prabhu mentioned that this day has been chosen […]
Nityananda Trayodasi

Please view the following galleries: Darshan Abhishek jaya jaya sri-caitanya jaya nityananda jayadvaita-candra jaya gaura-bhakta-vrnda Lord Nityananda, an incarnation of Lord Balarama is one of principal associates of Lord Caitanya. Like Lord Balarama, He is regarded as the original spiritual master whose mercy is essential to attain love of Radha and Krsna. ISKCON Mayapur […]
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