Hare Krishna, Dear devotees, once again Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha (MBV) exploring a very enlivening news for you all that by the 20th December, 2015(Sunday) the annual picnic of MBV held with great joy at champahati (Ritudwip) ‘Gour Gadadhara’ Temple. More than 400 fortunate devotees participated in this festival, who had good fortune to see the […]
Pujari Course

For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Prahlad Nrisimha Dev, Srila Prabhupada and for all the readers Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha happily informs that, for the first time there was a Training class arranged by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha on ‘Bhoga offering and Aroti performance’ for one day (2 times class) on 6th […]
Ekachakra Retreat – Dec – 2015

Please come and chant with us……. in Japa as well as in Kirtan….. From 26th to 30th December 2015 in Ekachakra Dham, India This retreat is open to one and all – men as well as ladies YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US TO: Deepen your relationship with the Holy Name. Spend these days in seclusion in the […]
ISKCON Leadership Sanga

Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The GBC is pleased to invite you to the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) 2016 in Sridham Mayapur, India, on February 24 – March 2. If you already attended a previous ILS you already know what an amazing event it was, with over five hundred […]
Sri Ksetra Puri Parikrama 2015

Sriksetra Parikrama Team invites devotees from around the world to perform the most auspicious Sri Ksetra Parikrama 2105. This year the parikrama day falls on 30th November. On this day, devotees will circumambulate the entire Sri Ksetra dhama, a distance of around 21 Km. This parikrama has been performed since the time Vidyapati visited Sri […]
Camp organized by Mayapur Local Preaching

For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Nrisimha Dev and His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching (MLP) held a ‘Summer camp’ on 13-14th June. More than 200 Bhakti Vriksha devotees participated in this program. On 13th morning, devotees arrived from different places like Krishnanagar, Dhubulia, Bhaluka, Srirampur etc. at […]
Congregational Preachers awarded in Sridham Mayapur

Every year ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry awards those devotees from around the world who have done an outstanding service in the area of congregational preaching. This is done during the Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur as several of ISKCON leaders and preachers are gathered there at that time of the year. During 2015 Annual […]
A big HARIBOL to our Gaur purnima 2015 sponsors

Devotees from around the world came forward to sponsor one or the other seva during Gaura Purnima 2015. Our heartfelt THANKS and HARIBOL to all these devotees. We pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Panca Tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Sri Sri Nrsimhadev to grant them pure devotional service unto Their lotus feet. […]
Lecture by HH Dhira Santa Goswami on SB 6.9.24

On 28th Feb, HH Dhira Santa Goswami gave lecture on SB 6.9.24. Below is the transcript of the lecture. So in these instructions Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Goswami mentions that our eternal relationship with Krishna is real, jivera svarupa haya krsnera nitya dasa, that we are all eternally parts and parcels of Supreme Personality of Godhead and […]
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