Connecting You to ISKCON Worldwide- MayapurTV

In any location, at any time of day, anywhere in the world, transcendental katha, kirtan, and darshan can be accessed through MayapurTV. This service makes it possible for anyone to attend ISKCON programs and festivals from all over the world virtually. MayapurTV began life as a congregational preaching resource in 2004, under the name of […]
Sri Mayapur International School

In the midst of the lush, green Grihasta Para housing area of ISKCON Mayapur the Sri Mayapur International School is situated. The school campus features an idyllic combination of brick buildings, pathways, and tree-filled grounds, and those living nearby can often hear the children at play, performing kirtan, or practicing mridanga. The Sri Mayapur International […]
Coming up! Odana Sasthi: 24 Nov.

On 24th November, Odana Sasthi festival will be celebrated in grandeur at Rajapur Sri Jagannath Mandir. Odana Sasthi is a festival that marks the beginning of winter. During the Odana-sasthi festival the devotees dress Lord Jagannatha and Balarama with starched cloth. This ceremony indicates that from that day forward, a winter covering should be given […]
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