Over 500 years ago, in the sacred land of Navadvipa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Taking on the golden hue of Srimati Radharani, He descended to distribute the yuga-dharma of sankirtan—congregational chanting of the holy names. His life exemplified devotion, compassion, and the unifying power of kirtan, transforming […]
Gaura Purnima 2017 Festival Schedule

We are happy to announce the festival schedule for next year’s Gaura Purnima Festival, please stay tuned for more updates, and opportunities to donate for the festival. 18 – 21 Feb Sravan Utsava 22 Feb Festival Flag Hosting Ceremony/Kirtan Mela Adhivas 23 to 27 Feb Kirtan Mela 27 Feb Parikrama Adhivas 28 Feb – 7 Mar Nabadvipa […]
ISKCON Nepal relief message by HH Jayapataka Swami

I along with other TOVP Exhibit members were in the Lotus Building attending TOVP exhibits conference on April 25th at 1.00 pm in Sridham Mayapur when the building began to shake. We quickly left our conference room and moved to Prabhupada’s park. While we were there, I was informed that a massive earth quake had […]
Congregational Preachers awarded in Sridham Mayapur

Every year ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry awards those devotees from around the world who have done an outstanding service in the area of congregational preaching. This is done during the Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur as several of ISKCON leaders and preachers are gathered there at that time of the year. During 2015 Annual […]
A big HARIBOL to our Gaur purnima 2015 sponsors

Devotees from around the world came forward to sponsor one or the other seva during Gaura Purnima 2015. Our heartfelt THANKS and HARIBOL to all these devotees. We pray to Their Lordships Sri Sri Panca Tattva, Sri Sri Radha Madhav and Sri Sri Nrsimhadev to grant them pure devotional service unto Their lotus feet. […]
Festivities during Gaura Purnima

Please view the following galleries: Abhishek Darshan In this post, we are sharing selected images of festivals that took place in Mayapur Temple during Gaur Purnima 2015. Right after Nabadvip mandal parikrama, there was the boat and swing festival on 28th Feb. Small deities of Sri Sri Radha Madhav were brought in a procession […]
Books everywhere during Gaur Purnima festivities

A large number of books with a devotional element were displayed and distributed to visitors during recent Gaur purnima festivities in Mayapur. There were also posters of some newly released books and books that shall be released in near future. Through this post, we are sharing the images of books and posters that were on display in Mayapur Temple. […]
Initiation in Mayapur on Gaura Purnima day

An initiation ceremony took place on auspicious Gaura Purnima day (5th Mar, 2015) in auspicious Mayapur dham. Around 300 devotees got initiated from HH Jaya Pataka Swami Maharaj .There were several others who became Maharaj’s aspiring disciples. Many devotees also took His shelter on the occasion. The ceremony took place in Namhatta prasadam hall […]
Lecture by HH Bhakti Raghav Swami on CC Madhya 4.110-111

HH Bhakti Raghav Swami gave the lecture on 2nd March 2015. Below is the transcript of the lecture. (Invocation prayers) So we would like to welcome everyone to our class this morning. We have chosen something from the Caitanya Caritamrta and also we will be reading something from the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata, since today is a […]
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