A seminar was conducted on Cow therapy in Mayapur . The seminar was organized by HG Akhand Anand Prabhu from Vrindavan. The seminar was conducted twice: once in English and other time in Bangla. We provide an overview of the topics discussed below. Prabhu explained that cow should be seen as a reservoir of mercy […]
Lecture by Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami on S.B. 6.4.26

From Sri Mayapur Chandradoya Mandir Date: 26 February 2015 Speaker: Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami (invocation prayers) Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6, Chapter 4 (The Hamsa-guhya prayers), Text 26 yadoparamo manaso nama-rupa- rupasya drsta-smrti-sampramosat ya iyate kevalaya sva-samsthaya hamsaya tasmai suci-sadmane namah Translation: When one’s consciousness is completely purified of the contamination of material existence, […]
Lecture by HH Candramauli Swami on S.B. 6.4.15-17

On 22nd February, HH Candramauli Swami gave lecture on S.B. 6.4.15-17. Below is transcript of the lecture. HH Candramauli Swami: (Pranama Mantras) We are hearing about Daksa in this particular verse which begins somewhat of a different theme here. Daksa, in his previous manifestation as a Prajapti, committed a very serious offense. What was his position? […]
Lecture by HH Niranjan Swami

On 18th February, HH Niranjan Swami gave the morning Bhagwatam lecture on SB 6.17.30. Below is the transcript of the lecture. (Pranama Mantras) First I would like to thank all of the assembled vaisnavas for this opportunity to render service. I pray to all of the vaisnavas who are here today to bless me that I may […]
S.B 6.3.28 – Feb 2nd, 2015
Morning Temple lecture on 2nd February, 2015 was given by HH Candrasekhara Swami . Text SB 6.3.28 was discussed. Transcription of the lecture: It’s a rare privilege to be speaking to you all here in Mayapur. I guess by either some twist of fate or somebody’s mistake I wound up giving class today. But if […]
Lecture on Varahadeva’s appearance

On the occasion of Varaha’s appearance day, the morning Temple lecture was on Srimad Bhagwatam Canto Three, Chapter Eighteen entitled “The Battle Between Boar and Hiranyaksa” Text two (3.18.2). dadarsa tatrabhijitam dhara-dharam pronniyamanavanim agra-damstraya musnantam aksna sva-ruco ’runa-sriya jahasa caho vana-gocaro mrgah Translation: “He saw there the all-powerful Personality of Godhead in His […]
Lecture by HH Indradyumna Swami on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26

On 28th January, HH Indradyumna Swami Maharaj gave a lecture on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26. Below is the transcript of the lecture. Hare Krishna! This morning we are reading from Granthraj Srimad Bhagavatam Canto Six, Chapter Three entitled “Yamaraja instructs his messengers”, Text 26. (invocation prayers) evam vimrsya sudhiyo bhagavaty anante sarvatmana vidadhate khalu bhava-yogam te […]
Kartik for the ToVP

Dear Devotees, Greetings from Sri Dhama Mayapur. The auspicious Kartika month is soon approaching, a favorite month of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas when we are always trying to do extra seva to make advancement and receive the mercy of the Lord. During this month devotional service is enhanced a thousand-fold and brings the devotee immense spiritual […]
Dec 1st 2012 – H.G. Gita Nagari prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Gita Nagari prabhu lives in Mayapur for the last 6 years. He took initiation from H.H. Satsvarupa Goswami in 1981, and lived in Gita Nagari for much of his devotee life. His enthusiasm and love for vaisnava literature is very contagious, as he enchants the devotees with wonderful quotes. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam […]
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