With great pleasure, ISKCON Mayapur invites devotees worldwide to celebrate the Gaura Purnima festival 2014 at Sri Dham Mayapur. On the 27th of February Kirtan Mela will begin, followed by the festival inauguration, various festivities, Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama, and the grand celebration of Gaura Purnima on the 16th of March. Gaura Purnima 2014 Festival Schedule […]
Children’s Festivities in Mayapur

Please view the following gallery: Childrens Festivities The photos are provided by Akarshini Radha DD Here in Sri Mayapur we like to keep our children engaged in fun Krishna Conscious activities. Two such activities are Pnaihati Utsava, and Ratha-Yatra. For the Panihati utsava the children paint clay pots in beautiful colours and designs. They and then filled with […]
Gaura Purnima Concludes

Please view the following galleries: Abhishek 1 , Abhishek 2 , Abhishek 3 Darshan Ganga Puja Ratha-Yatra Boat Festival This year we had a wonderful Gaura Purnima Festival that was unmatched like any previous years. Each year more and more devotees are coming for the festivities, and we are becoming more prepared. We had our newest […]
Ratha Yatra in Mayapur

Click for the full Ratha Yatra Gallery One of the major festivals in Sri Mayapur’s busy calendar is surely Jagannath Ratha Yatra – A “Festival of the Heart”. The Lord of the Universe comes out of His temple to give His audience to one and all. The pouring rain didn’t prove to be a threat […]
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