Hare Krsna! In this post, we look back at this year’s Navadvipa Mandal parikrama. Today, In ISKCON we have so many activities and engagements to choose from. But which one can give us the full results and mercy that we require? Those engagements which are directly emphasized or requested by the acharyas. Such engagements […]
Day 5 of Nabadwip Mandal parikrama

We visited three islands: Jahnudvipa, Modadrumadvipa and Rudradvipa. Before breakfast we were at Mamgachi, at Vrndavana das Thakur’s birthplace. He is the author of Caitanya Bhagavata, the first authorized biography of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In that place we sang Nitai Pada Kamala’s song. Sri Nityananda prabhu is the guru of Vrndavana das Thakur. HH […]
Nityananda Trayodasi

Please view the following galleries: Darshan Abhishek jaya jaya sri-caitanya jaya nityananda jayadvaita-candra jaya gaura-bhakta-vrnda Lord Nityananda, an incarnation of Lord Balarama is one of principal associates of Lord Caitanya. Like Lord Balarama, He is regarded as the original spiritual master whose mercy is essential to attain love of Radha and Krsna. ISKCON Mayapur […]
Special Pooja for Nityananda!

Festivities for Nityananda Trayodasi (the appearance of Lord Nityananda) will begin from tomorrow (30th Jan) at Ekachakra. This year, for the first time, 3 days Kirtan Mela will take place at Ekachakra dhama, the birthplace of Sri Nityananda. On 31st evening, there will be a parikrama to pastime places of Nitai and an adhivas ceremony. […]
Abhishek of Lord Nityananda

Please view the following galleries: Darshan Sri Nityananda Abhishek Evening Lecture by HH Jayapataka Swami Last week we celebrated the auspicious day of Nityananda’s Appearance here in Sri Mayapur Dham. Hundreds of devotees gathered in the temple hall to hear various speakers glorify Sri Nityananda. Once the Glorification were finished everyone gathered around the Pancha-tattva Altar to witness the […]
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