Have a look at the full gallery: Govardhan Puja & Abhishek Again this year, Sri Dham Mayapur celebrated Govardan Puja in a very sweet way. It’s all started a week ago when every evening HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat swami gave amazing classes on Vraj Lila that brought the devotees to a perfect mood. So when […]
Jhulan Yatra 2015 Celebrations

Jhulan Yatra Gallery Balaram Jayanti Abhishek Gallery Despite the heavy flood in early August, a grand Jhulan Yatra celebration took place in Mayapur from 25th-30th August. Like the past years, the spirit of taking part in Sri Sri Radha Madhav’s transcendental swing pastimes, attracted several hundreds of participants from the Mayapur community as well as […]
Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami on S.B. 6.4.12

S.B. 6.4.12: tokanam pitarau bandhu drsah paksma striyah patih patih prajanam bhiksunam grhy ajnanam budhah suhrt TRANSLATION As the father and mother are the friends and maintainers of their children, as the eyelid is the protector of the eye, as the husband is the maintainer and protector of a woman, as the householder is the […]
Children’s Festivities in Mayapur

Please view the following gallery: Childrens Festivities The photos are provided by Akarshini Radha DD Here in Sri Mayapur we like to keep our children engaged in fun Krishna Conscious activities. Two such activities are Pnaihati Utsava, and Ratha-Yatra. For the Panihati utsava the children paint clay pots in beautiful colours and designs. They and then filled with […]
Jhulan Yatra Pictures!

Click for full Jhulan Yatra Gallery The 5-day event of Jhulan yatra, where Sri-Sri Radha- Madhava enjoy Their transcendental swing-pastimes , attracted several hundreds of participants from the Mayapur community as well as many visitors from outside. It was a grand celebration where Sri-Sri Radha-Madhava were carried in Harinam procession by bullock cart from the […]
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