Hare Krsna devotees!! This year we had a large number of devotees who came forward and donated generously for Nrsimha Caturdasi celebrations. We thank them all on behalf of ISKCON Mayapur. May Lord Nrsimhadev keep showering His mercy on all of you. Below is the list of sponsors along with sevas sponsored. Festival […]
International book distribution award ceremony

An international book distribution award ceremony was held on 3rd March during the Morning lecture. HG Vijaya Prabhu and HG Pragosh Prabhu facilitated the award distribution ceremony. HH Jaya Pataka Maharaj was the guest of honor and he enlightened the audience with his words before distribution of awards. He told about the amazing potency […]
Lecture on Varahadeva’s appearance

On the occasion of Varaha’s appearance day, the morning Temple lecture was on Srimad Bhagwatam Canto Three, Chapter Eighteen entitled “The Battle Between Boar and Hiranyaksa” Text two (3.18.2). dadarsa tatrabhijitam dhara-dharam pronniyamanavanim agra-damstraya musnantam aksna sva-ruco ’runa-sriya jahasa caho vana-gocaro mrgah Translation: “He saw there the all-powerful Personality of Godhead in His […]
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