
Glories of the ToVP

O n Sunday February 23rd, 2014 in Sri Mayapur, five of our esteemed sannyasi’s gave class glorifying the new Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. Below you will find links to the transcription of what each one of the Maharajs had spoken. There are also links to the audio. Please read and share with others:

HH Jayapataka Swami

HH Bhakti Charu Swami

HH Radhanath Swami

HH Gopal Krishna Goswami

HH Sivarama Swam

If you would like to donate for the new temple construction please visit: 

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44 Responses to “Glories of the ToVP” Comments RSS Feed

  1. GIRIJA SONI February 26, 2014 at 3:45 pm #


  2. Surendra March 7, 2014 at 9:27 pm #

    Hare Krshna!!
    How one can donate to I must tell that it is not simple like donating for Nrasimha Chturdashi festival etc. The credit card is very easy for us.
    Please advice.
    Hari Bol,

    • mpadmin March 8, 2014 at 1:13 pm #

      Just visit the website, and choose to either donate a Golden brick, a one square foot. You can then fill in all of your details.