
ISKCON Mayapur brings The First ever  Online Ekachakra Parikrama

H are Krisna,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

We are very grateful to all the wonderful devotees and donors, who have been very supportive toward Sri Ekachakra Dham and generally to the dham, may the mercy of Lord Nityananda Mahaprabhu, who is none different from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu dwell always in your heart.

By the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada , ISKCON Mayapur is pleased to announce the First-ever Virtual Ekachakra Parikrama on the most auspicious Nityananda Trayodasi on the 25th Feb, 07:30 PM IST onwards.

You will be taken on the complete tour of the Ekachakra Dham; visiting all the pastime places of the most merciful, Nityananda Ram.

The program would be exclusively for the registered devotees only . It will not be shared on You tube, Face book or any other platform. So kindly DON’T MISS to register .

We also want to use the opportunity to invite you for Nityananda Trayodasi festival Seva/Donations

  • Nityananda Trayodasi Seva Opportunity:

    Abhishek Seva: 5000
    Abhishek Ingredients Seva: 1000
    Rahjbhog seva: 1001
    Garland Seva: Rs. 5001
    Tulasi archana Seva: Rs. 1501

Let’s approach the Ekachakra Dham in utmost eagerness , sincerity and profound faith and see it revealing itself in front of us .

Kindly book your slots NOW.

For FREE registrations, please click on :


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