I n Sri Mayapur we will be celebrating the divine appearance of Srimati Radharani. For the gaudiya vaishanava’s this is one of the most auspicious and greatly celebrated days in our calendar. Srimati Radharani is the possessor and bestower of devotion to Lord Hari, so we all strive to serve her lotus feet so that she may become pleased, this is the only way to satisfy Krishna.

The spiritual exchange of divine love between Radha and Krishna is the display of the internal energy of the Lord, and is very confidential and difficult to understand. No materialist can begin to understand this topic of the relationship between Radharani and Lord Krishna. But the more we awaken our dormant love for God, which is natural state of being for a fully awakened soul, then the more we can comprehend and actually enter into such spiritual loving exchanges.

Our festival schedule is as follows:

September 12 – Sunday

10am-10pm – Kirtan Mela
7:30pm – Adivas Ceremony
8:00pm – Cultural Programs

September 13 – Monday – Radhastami Day

10am-10pm – Kirtan Mela
4:30am – Mangal Arati
6:30am – Srimad Bhagavatam Class
8:30am – Sringar Arati
9:30am – Gift Offering
10:00am – Cultural Programs
11:15am – Maha-Abhishek of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava
12:00pm – Bhoga Arati
6:30pm – Sandhya Arati
7:30pm – Dipa Dhana & Maha-Harinam

The program will be finished by distribution of Srimati Radharani’s birthday cake! 

Srimati Radharani is the Supreme Goddess. She is most always seen with Lord Krishna. It is described that She is the chief associate and devotee of Lord Krishna, and topmost of all goddesses. Her name means that She is the most excellent worshiper of Lord Krishna. However, She is also an expansion of the Lord’s energy. Since She is also an extension of Krishna, She is the feminine aspect of God. Thus, in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, God is both male and female. They are one, but Krishna expands into two, Himself and Radharani, for the sake of divine loving pastimes. If They remained as one, then there is no relationship, there are no pastimes, and there can be no dynamic exchange of love. (Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila, 4.55-56)

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